Pull Requests Welcome If you find this API useful and fix bugs or add functionality, please PR it back Setup and usage To set up, clone this repo then run npm install. My needs are mainly read only / status updates, not control. Pentair screenlogic lights not working install. Please visit and navigate to Support \ Tools \ Software to download the update utility. Interface and Wireless Connection Kit (Part 522104). Pentairs ScreenLogic Connect is a convenient interface for your pool and spa, designed specifically for the iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and Apple Watch. server.js testSchedObj.json README.md Screenlogic-API An API built on top of Parnics node-screenlogic library. Yet again screenlogic app is not connecting. Please make sure to download and apply the latest protocol adapter firmware (version 736). Pentair customers with IntelliTouch, EasyTouch, and EasyTouch PL4/PSL4 pool/spa control systems that want to use their iPhone/iPad/iPod touch or Echo devices must purchase the ScreenLogic interface kit (PN 522104) available from your local pool equipment retailer. Tap Remove System from App at the bottom of the screen. Tap the menu icon in the top-left corner of the screen. Download this free app and check out the new interface on our live demo! Menu Backyard Interior Kitchen Bathroom Pool Plumbing How to Reset Pentair Screenlogic by Mikadum Rahman Fida Open the Pentair ScreenLogic app and log in. ScreenLogic Update Share Step 1: Update Your Protocol Adapter Step 2: Update Your Interface (s) Step 3.

Control your pool and spa from a local Wi-Fi network, or control remotely over the Internet. Recently my app will not work to control lights etc. You can now also use our Alexa Skill to control your EasyTouch or IntelliTouch system. Or Android platform is a free download from the App Store or Google Play. Control your pool and spa from a local Wi-Fi network, or control remotely over the Internet.

Pentair's ScreenLogic Connect is a convenient interface for your pool and spa, designed specifically for the iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and Apple Watch. Hi my Pentair Screenlogic app does not connect anymore to the pool equipment. Pentair's ScreenLogic Connect is a convenient interface for your pool and spa, designed specifically for the iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and Apple Watch. the Pentair screenlogic is plugged directly into the At&T router, and thus on that network What I have to do. I am going through everything with a fine tooth comb now.ScreenLogic is the best selling pool and spa control interface in the industry and allows EasyTouch and IntelliTouch system control on a wide variety of smart devices.